
Doing Sociology


<span><span><span>This successor to the well-known </span><span>Using Sociology</span><span> covers standard topics found in any sociology textbook. </span><span>Doing Sociology</span><span> walks lay readers through the steps of doing real-life sociological practices as conducted by experts in the field. The contributors to this volume range from university and college faculty, government sociologists, and practitioners from the private sector. Each of the chapters is by intention and design a </span><span>personal</span><span> statement, a case study illustrating how the authors practice sociology in their own words and style, giving readers a clearer understanding of what sociologists do outside of teaching in universities. And most importantly, an understanding of what they could do with sociology.<br><br>Readable, relevant, and accessible, </span><span>Doing Sociology</span><span> is an invaluable resource as a stand-alone course reader or as a supplement to a traditional textbook.</span></span><br><span></span></span>
<span><span><span>This successor to the well-known </span><span>Using Sociology</span><span> covers standard topics found in any sociology textbook. </span><span>Doing Sociology</span><span> walks lay readers through the steps of doing real-life sociological practices as conducted by experts in the field. Readable, relevant, and accessible, it is an invaluable resource as a standalone course reader or as a supplement to a traditional textbook.</span></span><br><span></span></span>
<span><span><span>Preface<br>1.Introduction to Doing Sociology: Applied, Clinical, and Public Sociology<br>2. Doing Sociology Worldwide<br>3. The Role of Theory in Sociological Practice<br>4. Clinical Sociology: Changing Meanings, Changing Lives<br>If Crime is the Problem, is Community or Problem Solving Policing the Solution?<br>Issues in Criminal Justice Evaluation: Evaluating Michigan's Drug Courts<br>Evaluation in Education: From goals to Capacity Development<br>Community Research Tactics and Social Change: Assessing Needs and Assets in an Inner City Neighborhood<br>Free Range Humans: Sociology's Role in Shaping the Future of the Build Environment for an Aging World<br>Communal Living: Intentionally Resisting Global White Supremacist Capitalism<br>Blending Sociology with Federal Funding: The Example of the National Institutes of Health Small Business Innovative Research Program<br>Automating Dillman's Total Design Methodology (TDM) for Mail Questionnaires: An Example of How to Improve Survey Research Methodology while Doing Applied Sociology<br>Surveying Health Care Providers: Strategies to Achieve High Response Rates<br>Ethics and Values in Sociological Practice</span></span><br><span></span></span>
<span><span><span>Jammie Price</span><span> is professor of sociology at Appalachian State University. </span><span>Roger Straus</span><span> is a certified clinical sociologist, and author of </span><span>Using Sociology: And Introduction from the Applied and Clinical Perspectives</span><span>. </span><span>Jeff Breese</span><span> is a dean at Rockhurst University.</span></span><br><span></span></span>

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