Something Magical Is Happening


“That was the time when words were like magic. The human mind had mysterious powers. A word spoken by chance might have strange consequences. It would suddenly come alive and what people wanted to happen could happen-all you had to do was say it. Nobody could explain this: That’s the way it was.”


Inuit Woman

David Abram (1996) ‘The Spell of the Sensuous’


Christine Brydon has a BSc. Hons. Degree in Health and Human Sciences, and an M.A. Degree from the University of Durham, UK, based on Counselling Practices, and the Performance of Healing Ceremonies from around the world. Christine was also involved at the University of Durham in teaching undergraduate doctors the social impact of Western Medical Practices on today’s Multi-Cultural Society.

However, more recently Christine has been drawn toward the origins of the Sacred Phoenician Alphabet, and the spiritual and therapeutic benefits it bestowed upon the people who discovered these mysterious Symbols over 4000 years ago. The insight needed to appreciate the Symbols and Letters of the Phoenician Alphabet in modern terms has developed during a period of over fifty years while studying numerous spiritual philosophies and teaching holistic healing techniques, along with the ancient principles of the Western Mystery Tradition both in the UK and Internationally. Then after dedicating much of her life to searching for solutions to alleviate the suffering of people who experience ‘Pain’ in various forms, Christine realised that the now almost forgotten ancient Wisdom provides the answer to this age old dilemma, which reveals it is a matter of:

‘Healer, First Heal Thy Self!’


The manual describes the Magical Essence concealed in the Symbols of the Sacred Phoenician Alphabet and is the author’s own interpretation based on fifty years study and contemplation on the subject. The Sacred Alphabet was originally devised as a means of inducing the sensation of True Love and Enthusiasm in our Heart, Soul and Body. Therefore the meaning of the Symbols and Letters given here is not according to the thoughts of other authorities, but is intended to take us away from the world of academia, where ‘knowledge’ is learned and repeated verbatim without consideration to its true significance. In today’s society we have almost lost the skill of feeling the sensation of Pure Passion within us, which to the Phoenicians is the ‘Way to Enlightenment’ that is only achieved once we experience fulfilled desire within us. For ‘Wisdom’ does not come from our ability to know the ‘Truth’ in our mind, as written about by others, but our capacity to personally identify with our own ‘Truth’ and see it miraculously appear as a ‘Reality’ in our world. Throughout the text capitalisation is used to emphasise the importance of certain words, while the hyphenated spelling of ‘God-dess’ denotes the androgynous nature of the ‘Mother of Creation’.



The Origin of the Sacred Alphabet

Function and Purpose of the Symbols and Letters

The 22 Symbols and Letters of the Sacred Alphabet













































The Unspoken Letter SIMS

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction



Appendices (1- 4)


Concealed within the Sacred Phoenician Alphabet is the Key to the ‘Process of Self-Creation’; for once the ‘Pure Magical Sensation’ induced by the Symbols and Letters is Aligned with our ‘Almighty Word Within’, our ‘Perception of ‘Reality’ is changed forever.

This is a small manual with a huge message from the distant past and is based on the first Phonetic Alphabet which the Canaanites of Lebanon, or Phoenicians, are alleged to have devised around 2000BC linear time, and subsequently spread throughout the western world. The reason for the brevity of this manual is that in the ancient world there were no manuscripts to aid the seeker on their Inner Journey of Self-Discovery, only Symbols and the sound of the Spoken Word which induce sensations in our body. And to attempt to explain these teachings through lengthy written descriptions would only detract from the original purpose of the Sacred Alphabet; which is to raise the sensations we are feeling from a place of darkness, and into the Realm of Pure Radiant Light by the power of our own Spoken Word. Therefore to reap the full benefit of the Wisdom of the Phoenicians we must first experience the Miraculous Essence concealed within the Symbols and Letters of the Sacred Alphabet until the message of the Phoenicians is revealed in our Heart, Soul and Body. We will then appreciate the Magical Universe perceived by these ancient people, and bear witness to miracles in our world as we surrender to the Radiant Light of the androgynous God-dess to reveal through us the Eternal Presence of True Love and Pure Light in Heaven, now reflected on Earth.

The Phoenician ‘Process of Self-Creation’ takes place ‘Within the Beginning’, which is not a moment in time, but the Silent Sanctuary within the womb of the androgynous God-dess’, where ‘Consciousness’ is Immaculately Conceived through the self-impregnation of our earnest desire by the Almighty Self-Knowing Word of Completion, which declares ‘LIGHT EXISTS’! Consciousness is the Spark of Light within each individual, made in the Image of the self-reproducing God-dess which is both male and female united as one. However our consciousness is yet in an embryonic state, and although we are conceived ‘Whole’ ‘to bear witness to the Pure Light in Heaven, we now believe we are divided and only conscious of existing in our physical world of separation and limitation. Nevertheless we are always in a State of Perfection, as it is ‘Within the Beginning’, and One with our Soul Mate which forever remains in a State of Grace in the Pure Radiant Light in Paradise.

During our delusional sojourn in the physical world we are beset with many dreams and dramas, which appear as physical manifestations to our newly formed consciousness. But since Pure Radiant Light is all that is ever conceived ‘Within the Beginning’, what we now see in our world is only the image of our own self-deceptions. Hence our consciousness must now undergo gestation until we are aware of our original Immaculate Conception of ‘Pure Wholeness’ and ‘Immortality’. Then once our developing consciousness awakens to this ‘Truth’, we will bear witness to the Amazing Reality of our Magical Universe.

Following the directions revealed by the Sacred Symbols and Letters our immature consciousness goes through seven stages of gestation during the ‘Process of Self-Creation’ from ‘Embryo to Enlightenment’. However presently most humans are only ‘Conscious of Existing’, ‘Conscious of Pleasure or Pain’ and ‘Conscious of Interaction’ with the physical world of appearances. But as our desire to know more about our ‘Self’ intensifies, we will become ‘Conscious of the Vital Energy’ flowing through our body, before becoming ‘Conscious of Prophecy’ and ‘Conscious of Pure Magic’, until finally we are ‘Conscious of our Wholeness in Heaven’. Alas there are no diplomas or initiations that can instantly pronounce us to be of these advanced states of awareness; for merit only comes when we are conscious of our ‘Enlightenment’ as now being a ‘Reality’ within our self.

We are forever living in a State of Perfection in the Pure Magical Light of the androgynous God-dess in Heaven. Furthermore once we are conscious that this Divine State of Being is our ‘Truth’, we will leave behind the apparent trials and tribulations of the outer world, as we focus instead on staying connected with our Soul Mate in the Pure Magical Light in Paradise within us. For our Soul Mate is our guide and liberator which pronounces the Word that confirms we already ‘Exist’ in a State of Perfection. In due course we realise that we do not ‘create’ our world of physical appearances, but ‘choose it’, which constantly appears and then disappears according to the intense sensations we feel in our body and our consciousness has accepted as being as our true Identity. And once we discover that the Universe is Magical, we will appreciate that we can change what we feel by now dwelling in the Miraculous Moment when our Heart’s Desire is already fulfilled. We will then witness on Earth the reflection of our Immaculate Conception, as it is ‘Within the Beginning’, and our present world, conceived by our delusional thoughts and misconceptions, will mysteriously disappear.

Now we must learn to control our thoughts through our feelings by following in the giant footsteps of the Phoenician Masters of Mystery and Magic, as we take an Inner Journey into our heart and experience the incredible sensations induced when we observe the Symbols and pronounce the Letters of the Sacred Alphabet. Hence when committed to this revealing Journey of Self-Discovery we enhance our understanding of the ‘Mystical Process of Self-Creation’, and will then appreciate the miraculous and paradoxical Universe of the Ancient Phoenicians that is both pragmatic and yet magical, in which we ‘exist’.

The Phoenicians never recorded the meaning of the Sacred Symbols and Letters in writing, which was only conveyed by the ‘Spoken Word’ from Mouth to Ear and understood by the sensation now experienced in our Body and Soul. For the Wisdom concealed within the Sacred Alphabet is only revealed as the wonderful feeling of Joy and Contentment within our own Heart. And incredibly, once we learn to do something by heart we are no longer aware that we are doing it. Since there is an instant connection between our Soul Mate and our body when we are convinced that our Ideal State is already our ‘Reality’ and is confirmed by our Almighty Word to be ‘True’. Thus we must first experience the Essence of the Symbols and Letters of the Sacred Phoenician Alphabet until the sensation they induce when spoken aloud is fully integrated within us.

The original Sacred Alphabet is explained in modern terms throughout the manual to describe the twenty two Symbols, which conceal the potential to reveal any possibility in our world, through our own self-impregnation. Subsequently, as our Inner Journey through the ‘Process of Self-Creation’ progresses we learn of the Indescribable and Unspoken Symbol of SIMS, and will have ‘Previous Knowledge’ of the empowering sensation of now being ‘Pure Light’; for our ‘Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction’.