Robin Morris

Vintage Knitting Sweaters

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich

Giroux Duveen Blouse Pattern


Size 14




1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.

1 Pr. Standard No. 5 Needles—14 in.


Jack Frost Duveen—4 2-oz. Skeins


BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 98 sts. K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in. Change to No. 5 Needles and K. 1 row, P. 1 row, then work in Pat. as follows: (A multiple of 10 plus 8) Row 1—* Y. O., slip 1, K. 1, P. S. S. O., repeat from * across row. Row 2—Purl. Row 3—* K. 8, Y. O., slip 1, K. 1, P. S. S. O., repeat from * across row, ending K. 8. Row 4—Purl. Repeat rows 3 and 4, 3 more times. Above 10 rows form Pat. Repeat Pat. for 7½ in., or desired length to underarm. Bind off 10 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then continue to work in Pat. until armhole measures 6½ in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Discon­tinue Pat., and work in garter st. for ½ in., or desired length to back of neck. Bind off.


FRONT: Work to correspond with back. Sew shoulder seams.


SLEEVES: With No. 5 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 28 sts. across top of shoulder. Work back, increasing to 60 sts. Pick up 5 sts. at end of row. Work back and forth in Pat. as described for blouse, picking up 5 sts. at end of each row until 118 sts. are on the needle, and sleeve has been picked up from end to end or armhole. Work even for 5 in. Change to No. 2 Needles, decreasing to 62 sts. at even intervals across the row. K. 1, P. 1, for 2 in. Bind off.


Sew underarm and sleeve seams.

Sleeveless Vest Sweater Pattern




These directions are for Size 10. Changes for Sizes 12, 14, and 16 are in parentheses.




Columbia-Minerva Skylark Sports Yarn (2 oz skein) - 4(4-5-5) skeins


Knitting Needles: 1 pair each "Boye" Sizes 3 and 5 - 14 inch and 1 "Boye" cable needle


Gauge: 8 sts to 1 inch; 7 rows to 1 inch (cable pat - Size 5 needles)

1 "Boye" Steel Crochet Hook Size 1


BACK: With Size 3 needles cast on 114(122-130-138) sts. Work in ribbing of K 1, P 1, for 2 inches. Change to Size 5 needles and work in cable pat as follows: Row 1: (Right side of work) *P 2, K 6, repeat from * across row, ending P 2. Row 2: *K 2, P 6, repeat from * across row, ending K 2. Rows 3 and 4: Same as Rows 1 and 2. Row 5: (Cable row) *P 2, sl next 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K 3, then K the 3 sts from cable needle, repeat from * across row, ending P 2. Row 6: Same as Row 2. Rows 7 and 8: Repeat Rows 1 and 2. Repeat from Row 1 for pat. Work even until work measures 9”(9”-9 ½”-9 ½”), or desired length from start. To Shape Armholes: Bind off 8 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then dec 1 st each side every other row 7(7-8-8) times - 84(92-98-106) sts on needle. When armholes measure 9”(9 ½”-9 ½”-10”), measured straight from bound-off sts at underarm, To Shape Shoulders: Bind off 7(8-9-10) sts at beg of next 2(4-6-6) rows, then bind off 8(9-0-0) sts at beg of next 4(2-0-0) rows. Bind off rem sts for back of neck.


LEFT FRONT: With Size 3 needles cast on 66(74-74-82) sts. Work in ribbing of K 1, P 1, for 2 inches. Change to Size 5 needles and work in cable pat. When work measures same as Back to underarm, To Shape Armhole: Bind off 8 sts at side edge, then dec 1 st at same edge every other row 7(7-8-8) times. When front edge measures 12”(12 ½”-13”-13 ½”) from start, To Shape Neck: Bind off 22(24-24-27) sts at front edge, then dec 1 st at same edge every other row 6(10-7-9) times. When armhole measures same as at Back, To Shape Shoulder: Bind off 7(8-9-10) sts at armhole edge every other row 1(2-3-3) times, then bind off 8(9-0-0) sts every other row 2(1-0-0) times. Place markers for 3 buttons at front edge, having first marker 2 inches from start and 3rd marker 1 inch below neck edge.


RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond with Left Front, working buttonholes to correspond with markers as follows: (Right side of work) Work 3 sts, bind off 3 sts, work to end of row. On next row cast on 3 sts over the bound-off sts.


Sew shoulder seams.


ARMHOLE BANDS: Starting at underarm, on right side of work, with Size 3 needles pick up and K 120(124-124-132) sts around armhole edge. Work in St St for 1 ¼ inches, bind off.


NECKBAND: Starting at right front neck edge, on right side of work, with Size 3 needles pick up and K 22(24-24-27) sts across bound-off sts of neck edge, pick up and K 38(40-40-44) sts to shoulder, pick up and K across the 38(42-44-46) sts at back of neck, pick up and K 38(40-40-44) sts to neck edge, pick up and K across the 22(24-24-27) sts at neck edge - 158(170-172-188) sts on needle. Work in St St for 1 ¼ inches, bind off.


Block each piece to Size before sewing. Roll bands over to right side of Vest and sew in place. Sew underarm seams. Work 1 row of sc at front edges. Work buttonhole st around buttonholes. Sew 3 buttons to Right Front about 3 inches from buttonholes (as illustrated). Sew 3 buttons to Left Front to correspond with buttonholes, about 3 inches in from front edge. If desired, sew seam binding across shoulder seams and at back of neck.