
Care, Responsibility and Trust

Kim Powers


Care, Responsibility and Trust

Kim Powers



Trust, care and responsibility


Why this book?


What exactly is fisting?


What is the appeal?


The Gentle Way In

The right preparation


Being comfortable trumps all!

Fisting in Practice

Careful penetration

Fisting Techniques

Pleasurable variations

Fisting Orgasms

Intense, more intense, ecstasy!

Additional Stimulation

Vibrator, dildo, tongue & Co.

The Vagina …

… the »unknown being«!

Vaginal Fitness

Exercises for pelvic floor and PC muscle

Frequently Asked Questions …

… and our answers


The Basics

The right preparation

The Anal Region and the Intestine

More sensitive to stimuli than many think

Finding a Position

The more comfortable, the better

Specific Technique

Careful penetration


G-spot & Female Ejaculation:

Vaginal Speculum:



From Woman to Woman:

Anal Sex:

The Anal Douche:

Final Comments

We hope you enjoyed it!

“Who would want to be so presumptuous as to judge what is perverse in sex?

As long as no one is physically or psychologically harmed, one should enjoy the whole gamut of possibilities, either alone or with the partner.

For there’s a lot to be discovered when it comes to sex – and often it is the unusual that provides the greatest pleasure!”



Trust, care and responsibility

One or the other reader may find it strange that we start off this book with a warning, because we automatically associate a warning with something negative, something we better stay away from. But that isn’t true in this case. This advice is only supposed to make you truly aware of the fact that fisting techniques require a lot of mutual trust, care and responsibility from both partners. This warning does not mean »Don’t do it!« but is supposed to raise your sensitivity for possible risks, which can be easily avoided, however, if they are known.

Our information is supposed to give you support during your first attempts and to take away the uncertainty that is understandably connected with this subject.

Everything described in this book are things that CAN be done within the scope of fisting. We will show you how wide a range of possibilities there is. You and your partner decide TOGETHER what you want to try out and how far you want to go. You have the sole responsibility for your actions. The fact that you are reading this book makes it clear that you want to inform yourself extensively. It is clear to you that fisting is not a sexual technique for which the motto »learning by doing« applies. Of course one always experiences new things and learns something new in each session; but the indispensable precondition for enjoying fisting without problems is a certain basic knowledge concerning the pleasure, but also any possible risks. Our pointers and tips help you to avoid any risks to your health – that’s the only way to discover the tremendous sexual pleasure both partners can experience through fisting.

Our information is supposed to give you support during your first attempts and to take away the uncertainty that is understandably connected with this subject. The more you know about a subject, the more confident you become in dealing with it and the more fun it is. It is up to you whether you get to know fisting the pleasurable way – that is gently and carefully, step by step. Only those who can completely trust their partner during fisting, who sense that he is careful and aware of his great responsibility for the other, can abandon themselves body and soul. Then both are well on their way to discover a whole new side of sexuality for themselves.


Why this book?

This book deals with fisting, that is penetrating the vagina and/or the anus with a hand, fist or arm. Admittedly, this kind of sexual stimulation represents a very special technique which understandably doesn’t belong to the common sexual preferences. Fisting takes up an erotic niche, so to speak, and only experienced and careful sex fans should touch this variety.

Fisting is not a must in a relationship, and those who try out this very special sexual technique from time to time and are not thrilled by it should simply [in the true sense of the word] keep their hands off it.

There are definitely people who practice fisting relatively often – and contrary to general assumptions these are not only male homosexuals and S/M fans, but also »entirely normal« men and women who enjoy this kinky sexual variety. Fisting offers many possibilities and is practiced by heterosexual couples, homosexual men and women and bi-sexuals. One doesn’t have to be a fan of sadomasochistic practices to like fisting or at least be interested in it. There are a lot of people who are basically tempted by the subject but who know little about it because it is a specialized subject matter. After all, penetration with the hand or fist does not belong to the common techniques of stimulation shown in most erotic magazines and films – and even the untold afternoon TV talk shows with their various sexual subjects have not dared to take THAT up! Fisting just isn’t a subject talked about in public, least of all one you can casually inform yourself about; there is hardly any literature on the subject, above all as far as vaginal fisting is concerned – at most a single paragraph or chapter in a book will deal with this technique. Conclusion: fisting is a taboo – but that’s exactly what makes up part of the appeal, because in some strange way we are attracted to much that is considered »perverse«.

But how should one find out what fisting actually is, how it works, what makes it so pleasurable, but also what the risks are? That’s our goal and exactly the subject this book takes up: we want to provide down-to-earth explanations regarding this special subject, to bring light into the dark, to inform the reader, to explain the necessary preparations and to point out important safety measures. We simply want to enlighten you on the subject and take away the uncertainty from anyone who is interested; we will give you useful tips and pointers, inform you in an entertaining and factual way and hope this book will leave you wanting more. But we also want to stress: Fisting is by no means a must in a relationship, and those who try out this very special sexual technique from time to time and are not thrilled by it should simply [in the true sense of the word] keep their hands off it. In this book we show and explain what fisting is and how to learn and experience it step by step – whether you actually become a true fisting fan is up to you, of course. Here our readers will find out that fisting is an art that requires something of those who practice it: responsibility, know-how and erotic talent.

This book is important precisely because fisting, if practiced correctly and responsibly, offers both partners an extremely strong physical and emotional intensity – stronger than almost any other sexual technique! We certainly explain to the reader what it’s all about – but every individual will have to decide on the if, when and how of fisting for him/herself, because our entire sex life, including the individual techniques we prefer, is subject to our personal sexual selfdetermination.

I encourage you to fully savour your own, very personal sexuality – whether fisting is part of it or not! I wish you a maximum of pleasure.



What exactly is fisting?

Unfortunately fisting is a menacing term loaded with connotations like »hard«, »wild« or even »brutal«. Strangely, there is no better word for this sexual practice, though fisting is far from having anything to do with violence or even unkindness or a lack of tenderness – on the contrary. In the further course of this book it will become clear that it is exactly the close relationship between both partners, the closeness and mutual trust that makes it possible to enjoy this sexual practice together. Given enough time, understanding and the right preparation, fisting is not only painless, but also truly pleasurable; some even speak of a spiritual experience in this connection.

The pleasure originates in the very special feelings this technique can produce, not in the anatomical description of the action.

We hope we can correct the completely false and brutal image of fisting in these pages and make clear to the reader what it can really mean: boundless pleasure.

Fisting is sometimes also called »fist fucking« or »handballing«, basically meaning the same thing: vaginal fisting means penetrating the vagina with the hand [app. up to the wrist], whereas anal fisting means penetrating the rectum up to the level of the lower large intestine at most [app. up to the forearm]. These descriptions admittedly sound anything but erotic. But the pleasure originates in the very special feelings this technique can produce, not in the anatomical description of the action.

Often these two different methods of penetration [vaginal and anal] are mistakenly lumped together or even seen as the same technique, but far from it. In this book we will therefore deal with and explain the terms vaginal and anal fisting separately, whereas we will mainly focus on vaginal fisting.

One thing holds true for both practices – vaginal and anal – alike: they both require taking your time, caution, understanding, trust and a good preparation. And the human anatomy sets NATURAL LIMITS for both practices: the size and length of the vaginal cavity is limited by the cervix and the organs lying behind it [uterus, bladder etc.], while the position, the structure and the sensitivity of the intestine limit the possibilities of penetrating the rectum. Both vagina and rectum should be stretched and so prepared for fisting in advance, but more on this later.

Though the term fisting might suggest that the technique calls for making a fist, this is actually rather seldom the case. In actual practice, both vaginal and anal fisting calls for a rather slow penetration and stretching, by inserting first one and then the other fingers one after the other, until eventually the whole hand is accommodated – most often only after several attempts that may be far apart in time. This, too, will be discussed in detail later. During fisting, the fingertips usually form a ring and are therefore bent to avoid injuring the intestinal wall. More on this later.